Friday 11 November 2011

Diorama 2: ‘Go around’ 1/72

This took an age to finish, but I am really pleased with the end results. It is a diorama portraying a group of US soldiers and Shermans advancing along a road, only to find it blocked and mined. Therefore the squad are forced to find a new route through the field. 

It consists of two Revell Sherman M4A1 and US infantry figures.

All these items and scenery were purchased through an internet auction.

I started by priming everything on the spurs, then  building the two Shermans together finishing them with my airbrush. They looked straight out of the factory, so I had a go at weathering. After looking at tips on youtube, I gave them both a was of thinned black paint, then dry brushed silver to represent paint loss and scratches. The rear Sherman has its hatch open with a infantry soldier with his legs cut off and gun cut out so he looks like he’s made for the tank. The front Sherman has a few twigs collected from my local hedge inserted in the tracks with wall filler, painted brown and decorated to look like it is driving through.

The soldiers were simply primed and painted in army greens and browns. I added some light brown around the boots, legs and jackets to represent a muddy uniform.

The base was made with wall filler to represent the uneven field. The hedge was a long mound of putty with twigs stuck in. Once that was dired I painted it and applied a layer of model soil. The greenery was made with lichen – which loos quite good. The road was a simple layer of model gravel. A light colour to contrast the dark field. The grass verge has turned out ok, but could be better. It is wall filler with bristles from a paint brush  glued in . Some model grass has been added, but I think it is too dark.

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